February 16

Do You Need a Blog Post Idea?


How to write a blog post

Hey reader, I hope that this blog post finds you well. Are you having trouble trying to figure out what to blog about next? Maybe you are just starting out and you just don’t quite know where to start. If this is you then this is a quick blog post idea challenge for you. By the end of this challenge, you should have a blog post written and ready to share with the world.

Grab your favorite writing device, Evernote and a Keyboard, a white board with a marker, a napkin and pen, whatever you feel most comfortable with at this moment.

Got it? Ready? Ok! Let’s get your blog post idea down!

Step 1: Write a Category

At the top of your space write out a Category that you are going to focus on today.

Step 2: Write down the first 10 things that come to mind about that category.

Note: This can be phrases, complete sentences, or working blog post titles. Do not write more than a sentence though.

Step 3: Scan your your list and pick one idea.

Great, now you have an idea and it is time to start the actual writing process. You will want to transition to your favorite word processor that you use to write your blog posts.

Step 4: Create a bullet point list of ideas about your chosen topic.

Step 5: Write at least 3–5 sentences about each bullet point.

Step 6: Read what you have written and delete content and add content as you see fit. At this point you are creating paragraphs.

Step 7: Re-read it again and edit your work.

Step 8: Write an intro telling the reader what this post is about.

In my opinion writing the intro is one of the most intimidating parts of writing. I have such admiration for talented writers, but the rest of us struggle with the words and getting them started. I do not want this to keep you from releasing blog posts on your blog.

Use this intro if you are stuck

[su_note note_color=”#ffb766″ radius=”5″]Are you struggling to figure out ___? In this blog post I am going to share with you how to do ___. [/su_note]

I am not suggesting that this an award winning formula. However, if you have some great ideas or tips that can make a difference for your audience, I don’t want you to get hung up on the intro.

Note: The advice that I have heard over and over again, is that if you just start writing you will get better at it. Personally, I am not sure how true this really is but I am giving it my best and I hope that you will too.

Step 9: Write a close for your blog post.

Tips on blog post conclusions

  1. Do not just end your blog post with your last point. This is your moment to summarize what you have shared.
  2. Consider ending your blog post by summarizing your main point.
  3. Consider challenging your reader to try what you have shared and report back.
  4. Ask your readers a series of questions about your main points.

Step 10: Re-read your blog post for final edits.

Now, I hope that you will take these steps and implement them for your blog. If this helped you at all to write a blog post, please send me a link to the post.

What is your blog post writing process? Do you struggle with getting your content down? If you do, please let me know how you get your blog post done.


Blog post ideas, Blog writing process, How to write a blog post

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