June 30

Make Sure That Your Blog Is Backed Up Right Now


Recently a client of mine got hacked, the bad kind too. Not only was her site down but it was also completely gone at the cPanel level. This is worst case scenario.

Everything was gone.

Thankfully, she had two saving graces and her blog was back up within 12 hours. Whew!

Her hosting company did daily backups of her site and because she is my client, I also had BackupBuddy running on her site.

I am a fan of having more than one backup.​

So let me ask you, is your blog being backed up?

If you are not sure ask your hosting company if they do backups of your site. If they do awesome. If they don't would they for a fee?

If the answer is no to all then I would recommend either moving hosting companies or buying the plugin I listed below.

Here is the best WordPress backup plugin that I know about, pay for and use:

Backup Buddy from iThemes:

BackupBuddy, WordPress Backup Plugin

My hosting company SiteGround does backups for me and I am grateful. 

I have used the SiteGround restore feature a few times on this blog and it is nice and easy to use. ​

Oh and I know this is not something that you want to spend money on. Seriously, I get it. However, hacking happens to the most secure of sites and it can happen to yours. Think of it like having fire alarms in your home.

Also, if you are curious as to why I didn't mention any free backup options, it is because I haven't found one yet that actually works reliably. ​If you are reading this and have a testimonial on one, do let me know. But at this time, I have tested several options and found none of them trustworthy.

Do you have a fire alarm in your home?

Web Hosting

P.S. You may want to check out this blog post: People Desperately Want To Hack Into Your WordPress.

My Favorite Blogging Tools That I Use Daily:


Backing up a blog, Blog Backup

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